Heart Palpitations

 Palpitations are an uncomfortable feeling caused by conscious heart beating, and are most commonly a subjective feeling. Palpitations are a relatively common clinical symptom, and the causes can be either pathological or physiological factors, as follows:

Pathological factors

Commonly seen in arrhythmia and enhancement of cardiac pulsation. First of all, arrhythmia, various tachycardia, bradycardia, or irregular heartbeat can make patients feel palpitations. Common clinical tachycardias include sinus tachycardia, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia, and tachycardia-type atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation, all of which can cause palpitations, especially When tachycardia occurs. Bradycardia can also cause palpitations and is more common when the heart rate suddenly slows down. Common clinical manifestations include sick sinus syndrome, atrioventricular junctional rhythm, autonomous ventricular rhythm, high-grade atrioventricular block, and excessive vagal tone. Irregular heartbeats manifest as premature beats or atrial fibrillation, as well as increased cardiac pulsation and increased myocardial contractility, which can cause palpitations.

Physiological factors:

Normal people may experience palpitations after strenuous physical activity, emotional excitement, heavy smoking, drinking alcohol, strong tea and coffee.

Therefore, pathological factors are more common in ventricular hypertrophy and other diseases. Common causes of ventricular hypertrophy include rheumatic heart disease, high heart disease, coronary heart disease, etc. Other diseases such as high fever, hyperthyroidism, etc., due to the increase in basal metabolic rate and increase in oxygen consumption, can lead to increased cardiac pulsation and increased heart rate. Palpitations due to physiological factors are more common in cardiac neurosis, which is a clinical syndrome of cardiovascular dysfunction caused by autonomic nervous system dysfunction.

Palpitations manifestation

Palpitations are a common manifestation of many diseases, and some patients with palpitations do not have organic disease. Therefore, medical history is particularly important for the diagnosis of palpitations. For example, patients should be carefully asked whether the occurrence of palpitations is related to factors such as physical activity, mental state, and medication. If palpitations often occur after mild physical activity, the disease is mostly organic, and further inquiries should be made about past medical history of organic heart disease.

If palpitations occur after strenuous exercise or after the use of drugs such as atropine, It is a physiological reaction of the body. In addition, the duration of palpitations is also related to the cause. If the sudden onset of palpitations disappears quickly in a short period of time, but is prone to recurrence, it is mostly related to arrhythmia.

At this time, the patient's subjective feelings at the time of the palpitations should be questioned in detail, such as whether the heartbeat is too fast, too slow, or irregular. The feeling, whether it is accompanied by changes in consciousness and peripheral circulation disorders, in order to make a preliminary diagnosis. If patients have palpitations since childhood, it is mostly related to congenital cardiovascular disease.


Heart palpitations and chest tightness in young women. Many people think that palpitations and chest tightness are common diseases among the elderly. However, it is now found that many young women are prone to palpitations and chest tightness. Why are young women prone to palpitations and chest tightness? And the cause of many young women’s palpitations and chest tightness cannot be found out.

Palpitations accompanied by fatigue and pale complexion. Cardiac neurosis is a type of systemic neurosis (that is, the manifestation of autonomic nervous system dysfunction in the cardiovascular system). Its symptoms are diverse, and the most common subjective symptom is palpitations. , poor breathing, precordial pain, pale complexion, general weakness, etc., as well as easy agitation, insomnia, excessive sweating, trembling, dizziness, and dreaminess.

Palpitations accompanied by abnormal heart rate. Palpitations are a feeling of discomfort or palpitation caused by conscious heart beating. When the heart rate is accelerated, the heart beats uncomfortable, and when the heart rate is slow, the pulse is strong. During palpitations, the heart rate may be fast or slow, or there may be arrhythmia. People with normal heart rate and rhythm may also have palpitations.

Palpitations after meals Palpitations after meals are one of the symptoms of Qi and blood deficiency. Qi and blood deficiency syndrome refers to symptoms of both qi deficiency and blood deficiency. It is usually caused by prolonged illness that consumes qi and blood or blood deficiency without qi transformation.

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