Sustainable living

We would like to make your task easier. We don't want you to think that only politicians can solve problems like ending poverty, tackling climate change and reducing inequality. We don't want you to think that this is difficult to achieve - it is all doable.

Sustainable living

Sustainable Living and platform

That's why we're kicking off the 'Year of Sustainable Living' and opening a platform where we'll share tips on how to live a sustainable lifestyle. Many of our tips are simple, and you may already be using them. Some will require you to change your old habits or learn new ones. But to live sustainably, you don't have to completely change your lifestyle. You don't have to do everything at once, but you do need to know that change starts with yourself and that your participation matters. Your small steps can have big consequences!

We would also like to know your opinion. We'd like to hear about how you're achieving your sustainability goals. Do you have an idea or an initiative already underway that helps improve people's lives and save our planet? Tell us about it. We would like to share this information with others. You can participate in the “Year of Sustainable Living” in the following ways:

We will post regular blog posts on this website and on the Twitter and Facebook pages. The United Nations  page will also feature a weekly.

It is also characterized by a significant difference in life expectancy between regions: in Moscow, St. Petersburg and individual republics of the North Caucasus, this indicator is close to developed countries, and in some regions of Siberia and the Far East it is comparable to African countries.

 Life expectancy 

Is is explained that life expectancy is affected by the level of well-being of the population, the degree of inequality, education, accessibility and quality of healthcare, and the state of the environment (including air and water pollution). And to a large extent - lifestyle, including alcohol and tobacco consumption, dietary habits, level of physical activity

At the same time, the calculations used control variables reflecting the development of the economy (including real income per capita, coefficient, unemployment rate, share of the urban population) and health care (population per hospital bed, population per doctor, capacity of outpatient clinics). institutions, average waiting time for an ambulance), as well as air pollution from stationary sources.

Econometric analysis

According to the econometric analysis, the most significant lifestyle factors influencing life expectancy were alcohol consumption, exercise, tobacco consumption (for women), as well as the number of hospital beds per capita and hospital capacity. Micro-level analysis also confirmed the negative impact of smoking in men on their life expectancy.

The influence of the level of inequality and the share of the urban population in the region also turned out to be significant. “Taking into account all the restrictions, we see large differences in life expectancy in the regions due to differences in lifestyle.

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