Effective Life style

There are many kinds of lifestyles, and it all depends on your choice. Choose whichever lifestyle you think is the lifestyle you want. That way you can live comfortably. Here are the articles about lifestyles compiled by the store for you. Article, hope you all like it.

Effective Life style

Find good motives

Deciding to start leading a healthy lifestyle does not mean actually starting it. Perhaps, in order to motivate yourself to lead a healthy lifestyle, you should go to the doctor while you are healthy (although often people begin to behave more carefully only after receiving some kind of chronic diagnosis). 

A doctor can help you find the motives, but, again, in order to contact him, you need to allocate time (and sometimes money) - it is always more pleasant to postpone going to him until later (and then it is often too late). Remember how long ago

The last time you visited the dentist was without an urgent need, such as severe pain or a lost filling. For some people, shame or conscience is great motivations; for others, it's the desire not to upset someone.

 Goal by any deadline

You can also motivate yourself with money. There is such an option, for example, on the website stickk.com - each user can write that he wants to achieve any goal by any deadline (at the user’s choice) and deposit money.

If the goal is achieved, the money will be returned. If not, they will be donated to charity. If economists understand anything in life, then one of the most important incentives for any human activity is money (and everything that can be bought for it). Now we have the opportunity to put this incentive at the service of our desire to finally begin a healthy lifestyle.

But the most effective motive for leading a healthy lifestyle is, unfortunately, direct legislative prohibitions. An example is the legal ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages at night, which is practiced in a number of countries.

It would seem how it can prevent alcohol abuse - just buy it in stock, and that’s it. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of such a ban seems obvious. On the downside, we must always remember that the state machine is very clumsy and, once adopted, legislative restrictions may remain in place when they have long since lost their relevance.

Choose one goal

It is more effective, of course, to end all bad habits overnight, but the problem is that this is a gigantic burden on willpower, and research shows that a person has a limited supply of willpower. So it's better to do everything sequentially. And you don’t have to start with something global like the required 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week. 

Try, for example, fidgeting more often and generally moving more during the day, especially if your job is sedentary. Or don’t read from a phone that hurts your eyes before going to bed, so as not to suffer from insomnia later. Or don’t eat while watching a TV series, because that way you eat more.

Select your start date for science

There is no data to suggest that Monday, birthday or New Year's Day have any advantage over the following Thursday or Sunday. But it is important to set this date in advance. Just remember: under any stress (divorce, protracted renovations in an apartment, reprimand from superiors), there may be no energy left to maintain a healthy lifestyle. On the contrary, if you just had a great rest and have more energy, then it’s time to get started. So maybe post-vacation time is the best option.

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