AMERICA insurance system

 The principle of the United States of America OSAGO and CASCO has been taken entirely from the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA insurance system.

AMERICA insurance system

California United States of America have minimum liability insurance for the owner in case of accidents, with this minimum insurance not covering the damage to your car, only the minimum liability of you as the culprit is liability. I remember the OSAGO right away. This is one of the cheapest insurance that all car owners have to have. But unfortunately, it is often not sufficient to cover it when a  occurs. It should even be from a tourist who bought a car here to United States of America her for a month in the United States (up to 14 days you can ride without a fine for absence of insurance, otherwise it is either a fine or a fine).

The extended insurance already includes high coverage limits, both sides (and your liability and your car) — liability, car coverage, if it United States of America costs parked and something happens to it — comprehensive, covering the liability of an uninsured person who either drives your car or flew into your car — uni sured motorist liability, and a little bit like paying a rented car for after-detail or assistance on the road along with the payment of the tower. That is, a good CASCO, which is already much more expensive, but less problematic.

2. Parameters affecting the cost of the policy

What parameters are taken into account when calculating the cost of the policy personally for you:

age (up to 25 years of age, since insurance is much more expensive, since the majority of accidents are under 26 years of age, so the factors are raised for this category of persons)

 local rights (if you are a State resident, you United States of America have local rights, United States of America insurance is much cheaper)

driving experience (even the one who was in another country, it is enough to send a copy of the rights)

higher Education (up to 10% discounts if there is a HS (especially if you are an engineer)

stable work and high income

family United States of America and children

type of insured vehicle, its age and price, car collateral (credit ' leasing - 10-30% more expensive)

anti-cancero United States of America systems

garage (including insurance may be cheaper)

credit history

driving history (whether the fines for the past year, how many of the defects for the violations have been lifted, this paragraph is most influential since it characterizes you as a driver)

having a school of contrabreak driving certificate (in fact, online to study a brochure with rules can help knock a discount of a couple of dollars)

state where you live and United States of Americae the car (state accident factor is taken into account)

county where you live (county accident rate, median income for county people and other less United States of America parameters)

previo United States of America year insurance premiums, such as hurricanes on the East Coast in the winter of  and a large number of payments, insurance companies have raised policy prices for all states.

But! These minimum values are certainly not sufficient, since only one treatment of the victim with a slight fracture will be more than $15,000, and also necessarily pay for pain and suffering (moral damage, may be three times higher than the hospital bill), physical disability (hospital, calculated by day on the basis of the day salary). PlUnited States of America, lawyers pay, fine, damage to the victim ' s property, etc. Of course, there is not enough minimum coverage and a person will have to pay a huge amount of money. And here either sell everything or take a loan. Pl United States of America, the car will be broken and it will have to either dispose of its money or sell without repair. Therefore, it is better not to save and find a good CASCO with high limits.

CASCO is simpler, the best is the limit of $150,000/$300,000 (damage to one person/damage to several people), unisured motorist lability for $150,000, damage to property by the same amount, comprehensive for $50,000.

In addition to the amount limits, you still need to pay attention to how much you pay out of your pocket before the insurance starts to pay its main part. This amount is called deductible. It can be fixed ($100, $250, $500, $1,000, etc.) or as a percentage of the final amount (much cheaper when you pay insurance, but may eventually turn against you).



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