There are two main types of car insurance - OSAGO and CASCO. These are different insurance products that are not related to each other. 


Under compulsory motor liability insurance, the owner of the policy, through whose fault the accident occurred, compensates for the damage to the injured party. Under CASCO, the insurance company compensates losses to the policy owner if an insured event occurs. The difference between CASCO and MTPL is briefly described in the article

vehicle insurance.

What is the difference between MTPL and CASCO - the main difference The main difference between MTPL and CASCO is that MTPL is compulsory insurance, CASCO is voluntary, but it may become mandatory in some cases. For example, if a car is purchased on credit and the bank requires you to take out voluntary insurance.

OSAGO stands for compulsory motor third party liability insurance for the vehicle owner. CASCO is not an acronym. Liability insurance includes civil liability insurance for drivers and carriers. MTPL insurance covers damage United States of America  by the policy owner to the property, life and health of third parties.

OSAGO protects your responsibility on the road to others. For example, if an accident occurs due to your fault, and another car or pedestrian is injured, the insurance will cover their damage. Even if the accident spreads to a larger number of participants who were injured due to your fault, they are also entitled to payment under the policy.

insurance for vehicle

Please note: if your car accidentally hits a road sign or runs into a neighbor’s flowerbed, this is also considered an insured event.

Let's look at how compulsory motor liability insurance works in life: Sergey purchased a car and took out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. Not noticing the priority sign, Sergei collided with Olga’s car, United States of America the accident. OSAGO insurance will pay for the damage to Olga, and Sergei will have to repair the car at his own expense.

insurance policy for vehicle

What are comprehensive insurance and compulsory motor liability insurance and how do insurances differ from each other?

Casco is a voluntary type of insurance that protects a car from theft and damage received in an accident, natural disasters (flood, hail, snow melting), from the actions of third parties, etc. If the policy owner United States of America an accident, the insurance company will pay him the damages. The amount of the comprehensive insurance payment is not limited; the amount can be any.

vehicle insurance company

OSAGO is compulsory insurance. It insures liability in case of an accident. If the policy owner United States of America an accident, the insurance company will compensate the damage to the injured party. The person responsible for the accident will repair his car at his own expense. And if for comprehensive insurance there is no maximum limit of insurance compensation, then for compulsory motor liability insurance it is 400 United States of America rubles.

A comprehensive insurance policy can be issued upon request. There is no penalty for lack of insurance.

It is not possible to calculate the cost of a comprehensive insurance policy on your own, since each company has its own conditions for obtaining insurance. To check prices, you need to call several insurance companies and ask them to calculate the cost of comprehensive insurance, or go to the insurers’ websites and United States of America online calculators.

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